M4M004 - Featuring Enigma, Delaware, Grooveblaster, Celine Mastrorelli, and more...

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A diverse and eclectic mix featuring a nice mix of styles, artists, themes, and tempos.  And a bit of the French language.

Originally Released on July 4, 2008

To download the episode, click this link.  http://traffic.libsyn.com/m4m-austin/M4M-4.mp3
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1. 'Mea Culpa (Fading Shades Mix)' by Enigma
2. 'Forbidden One' by Karmyn Tyler
3. 'Kind of Grey' by Delaware
4. 'Shame' by The Grooveblaster & Yasi Baby
5. 'Hypno (Hypnosphere Mix) by Artemis
6. 'Tu Es Le Seul' by Lorna Lee
7. 'Le silence' by Celine Mastrorelli